Here are pics of our Adventures At CofC in Brighton,, England ,

So Far............

Due to reservation foul ups we were referred to one of the

"Back up" Hotels

Unfortunately we had a spot of bad weather so we lost our first rental van...

Many Locals turned out to Welcome us

Thank goodness for

Hotel Security

The police here are VERY friendly

The web page staff in one of many meetings,planning the pics

We have been very Busy...



Making Many New Friends

Here we receive some helpful Hands -On Van customizing tips

Oh, the endless meetings......

Excuse me, can you direct me

back to the pub?

Congrats to the vanners in Wisconsin for

hosting the Nats in 2001

Council reps rush snacks to the rooms to celebrate.

Congrats also go out ot the Vanners in Colorado,

we'll see you next year for CofC

Now, these vanners

know how to party !!

There seems to be a porta potty on every corner, good thing, as no one ever seems to empty the bloody things!

Sorry, gotta fly for now.....

We hope you have enjoyed the tour, we felt it would be pretty self centered of us to go on this adventure and not take the time to share the experience......Ta Ta.......Toodles..