Bottom 12 New Pics added June 6th- Thanx to Sherry from My Club

Laura (wo)mans the gate Sherry prepares our dinner mmmmm...Potato Soup

Pup Poses

Chet prepares tasty blender drinks

Chet drinks tasty blender drinks

Chet passes out from too many tasty blender drinks..

Puppy on a leash , Cleatus in middle

Judi, Runnin Wild Hound, SVV zones out

Pat, All Nite  Vans makes a no doubt important point

 Chuck, Back Mountain, Vanning 's answer to Bob Dylan

Lynn aka Juggs, aka Huggs, BGFNY/All Nite Vans

 Battle for the Kingdom of Lout !!

 Chet is shown the proper way to ride a unicycle.

 Chet tries to master the unicycle. Chet is defeated by the unicycle.  This answers the question : How many vanners does it take to put a screw in a license plate?     
No , those aren't glasses, Chets eyes really DO look like that!! Partying with 13's Animal, Pat, and Cleatus

Some Drunk, Some Nekked, Some Both !!

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